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Mind as Code – mindfulness for developers and knowledge workers

Churchill College, Cambridge Cambridge, Großbritannien (Vereinigtes Königreich)

The last few years have given rise to the idea that - besides knowledge - practice is essential for developers and knowledge workers. There are code katas, coding and coaching dojos, pair and mob programming. A scientifically underpinned way to systematically develop a different kind of skill-set is mindfulness. With a regular mindfulness practice, you […]

Mind as Code – mindfulness for developers and knowledge workers

The bcc Berlin, Deutschland

The last few years have given rise to the idea that - besides knowledge - practice is essential for developers and knowledge workers. There are code katas, coding and coaching dojos, pair and mob programming. A scientifically underpinned way to systematically develop a different kind of skill-set is mindfulness. With a regular mindfulness practice, you […]

Mind as Code – mindfulness for developers and knowledge workers

IHK Hamburg Hamburg, Deutschland

The last few years have given rise to the idea that - besides knowledge - practice is essential for developers and knowledge workers. There are code katas, coding and coaching dojos, pair and mob programming. A scientifically underpinned way to systematically develop a different kind of skill-set is mindfulness. With a regular mindfulness practice, you […]

Mind as Code – Achtsamkeit für Entwickler und Wissensarbeiter

Technikzentrum Lübeck Maria-Goeppert-Str. 1, Lübeck

Wie kann man entspannter in der Welt leben? Wie kann man sich mehr auf das konzentrieren, was während der Arbeit und im Leben wirklich wichtig ist? Wie kann man widerstandsfähiger sein, wenn die Dinge nicht so funktionieren, wie wir es wollten? Und wie kann man auf so eine Situation intelligenter reagieren? Achtsamkeit ist eine wissenschaftlich […]

Mind as Code – Mindfulness for Developers and Knowledge Workers

InVision AG Speditionstr. 5, Düsseldorf, Deutschland

How to be more relaxed with the craziness of the world? How to focus more on what is really important during work and in life? How to be more resilient, when things don't work the way we wanted? And how to react smarter to a situation like that? Mindfulness is a very useful practice to […]

Modern Mindfulness Practices for Coders and Knowledge Workers

Amsterdam Amsterdam, Niederlande

Is there a way to train our most basic cognitive and emotional skills? The basic skills like focus, clarity about what is important now and skills that support collaboration? These skills are the basis for all our work in an agile and complex environment and therefore improving them would give us great leverage to work […]

Mind as Code – Mindfulness for Developers and Knowledge Workers

Amsterdam Amsterdam, Niederlande

How to be more relaxed with the craziness of the world? How to focus more on what is really important during work and in life? How to be more resilient, when things don't work the way we wanted? And how to react smarter to a situation like that? Mindfulness is a scientifically researched practice to […]

Mind as Code – Moderne Achtsamkeitstechniken

Radisson Blu Park Hotel, Radebeul Nizzastraße 55, Radebeul

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, Basis-Fähigkeiten zu trainieren, die in Softwareentwicklung benötigt werden? Fähigkeiten wie Fokus, Klarheit, Gelassenheit? Achtsamkeit verbessert nachweislich diese Fähigkeiten. Und während es Achtsamkeit schon seit hunderten von Jahren gibt, ist in den letzten 30 Jahren durch Forschung ein moderner Achtsamkeitsansatz entstanden, der z.B. bei Google & SAP gelehrt wird. Wenn Du Achtsamkeit […]

Modern mindfulness practices for the nerdy agilist

Multikino, Krakow Dobrego Pasterza 128 Street, Krakow, Polen

Is there a way to train the most basic cognitive skills that are needed in an agile environment? Skills like concentration and clarity to deal better with change? Modern mindfulness practices are a set of scientifically researched practices to improve on those skills. And while mindfulness practices are hundreds or even thousands of years old, […]

Modern mindfulness practices for the nerdy agilist

John McIntyre Conference Center, Edinburgh Pollock Halls, 18 Holyrood Park Rd, Edinburgh, Großbritannien (Vereinigtes Königreich)

Is there a way to train the most basic cognitive skills that are needed in an agile environment? Skills like concentration and clarity to deal better with change? Modern mindfulness practices are a set of scientifically researched practices to improve on those skills. And while mindfulness practices are hundreds or even thousands of years old, […]